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Since 1907, Kansas Farmers Union has worked to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers, and their communities.


We keep our members informed on ag and rural issues and paves the way for them to voice their opinions through our grassroots policy development.


The National Farmers Union annual Washington D.C. Fly-in every autumn keeps lawmakers up to date on issues important to Kansans.


We promote rural economic and cooperative development by supporting existing agricultural co-ops and helping form new farmer co-ops and other rural businesses.


We assist producers in retaining ownership of their farm products further into the processing channel and enhance market returns on their investment.


Education is essential to the success and growth of Kansas Farmers Union.


We are committed to providing opportunities and programs of excellence to our members.

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Farmers Union today!

Upcoming Events

We respond to member needs and partner with funders to provide a variety of educational opportunities at the local, state and national levels.

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The Farmer's Share

Farmers and ranchers receive only 14.3* cents of every food dollar spent at and away from home.

According to USDA, off-farm costs, including marketing, processing, wholesaling, distribution, and retailing account for more than 80 cents of every food dollar spent in the U.S.


The latest from KFU

Kansas Farmers Union

115 E. Marlin, Suite #108,
PO Box 1064
McPherson, KS 67460


Phone: 620-241-6630

Fax: 620-241-8054


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